Torts Videos

Nuisance, Strict Liability, & Product Liability

Nuisance, Strict Liability, & Product Liability

This video covers several topics, all of which are related to negligence. It is recommended that you review, and understand, the law of negligence first before moving on to these issues. The lecture...

Defamation & Privacy Torts

Defamation & Privacy Torts

Defamation can be complicated because of the constitutional issues involved, which also impact damages. If the plaintiff in a defamation claim is a public figure, the plaintiff must prove that the...

Intentional Torts

Intentional Torts

This short video covers the elements of intentional torts. Make sure you know not only the elements of each tort, but the governing rule for each element (for example the definition of intent, which...

Negligence, Part 2 – Causation & Damages

Negligence, Part 2 – Causation & Damages

This is part 2 of a two-part series of videos on Negligence. Part 1 covered the elements of duty and breach. This video covers causation and damages, with the bulk of the video devoted to proximate...

Negligence, Part 1 – Duty & Breach

Negligence, Part 1 – Duty & Breach

Negligence is an enormous topic, so the negligence coverage is divided between two videos. This video covers the elements of duty and breach. Part 2 covers causation and damages. Slides are posted...