Defenses to formation assume the existence of a contract - that is, they assume that the elements of offer, acceptance, and consideration are satisfied - but allow for the contract not to be...
Defenses to Breach
Defenses to breach (also referred to as excuses to breach) assume the existence of an enforceable contract, and a breach of contract. Defenses to breach allow a breaching party to essentially get...
Accomplice Liability
Accomplice liability can be confusing, particularly because it necessarily involves multiple parties involved in the same criminal enterprise. It can also be difficult to distinguish between...
Crimes Against the Person
Some additional crimes against the person, other than homicide, are discussed here. These crimes don't come up as frequently as homicide as issues on exams. The only exception might be rape, but in...
Defenses to Crimes
This video covers the major defenses, such as insanity, intoxication, impossibility, and self-defense. Not all defenses are covered. As always, the slides are posted below the video for your...
The Rule Against Perpetuities
The Rule Against Perpetuities normally gives law students fits. Unfortunately, it is still covered (and tested) in courses on Real Property, and it still appears on the Uniform Bar Exam. This short...